Our History
Innovative with new materials
We, along with De Nora, have worked on multi-million dollar projects for Desalination plants. Severn Trent De Nora is our strategic partner in electrochlorination & sewage treatmentPlant . They are experts in Water purification projects such as Offshore Hypochlorite Generation in many applications. We have ties with Foxboro for Automation and Control in Power and Desalination plants. We also have ties with Fechner for Consultancy for the Petrochemical Industry. We have worked on Multi-Million Dollar Telecom and Media Projects with Thomson Media (Thales Broadcast & Multimedia), STESA, LeBlanc and others.
We have worked on infrastructure projects involving street lighting, guard rails and we have supplied materials for civil and infrastructure projects. Our strong ties with OMEGA; KSA & GALVACOAT; UAE enable us to be very competitive in the market and provide the material without any delays. For luminaires we represent Saudi lighting & National lighting company; KSA We have partnership with other contracting and maintenance workshops for servicing all the mechanical and electrical equipment we provide. We have special ties with Transformer, generator and other equipment manufacturers to cover most of the needs of Power Plants and Power Distribution.
Our highly experienced staff can deliver the highest standard of services.

To provide a high standard of prompt service and ensure customer satisfaction.
To become the Leader and Pioneer in Technology and Services in the Middle East Region
We have a solid team of individuals with extensive experience in the Middle-East and other countries such as the US, India etc. We have over 25 years of experience to offer to our clients and assure you top quality of service in every way. We have experts in Mechanical, Electrical, Electronics, Civil and Industrial Engineering.